  • 1972

    “Ortega Hall”. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, USA

    Museum of Grinnell College. Iowa, USA
  • 1974

    Izmailovsky Park, Moscow, USSR

    Pavilion of Culture. Exhibition of Economic Achievements. Moscow, USSR
  • 1976

    “Russian Museum in Exile”. Mongeron, France
  • 1977

    Institute of Contemporary Art. London, England
  • 1977-1981

    Gorkom Moskauer Grafikerverband. Moscow, USSR
  • 1980

    Eduard Nakhamkin Fine Arts Gallery. New York, USA
  • 1983

    Unofficial Art from the USSR, sponsored by the US Congress. Capitol Hill. Washington, USA

    University of Arizona Museum. Arizona, USA
  • 1985

    “Hoffman Galleries”. University of Minneapolis. Minnesota, USA

    Museum of Grinnell College. Iowa, USA
  • 1988

    University of Fribourg. Switzerland
  • 1990

    Gallery “Contraste”. Fribourg, Switzerland.

    Gallery “La Plum”. La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland

    Галерея «Hommage». Амстердам, Голландия

    Library of Congress. Washington, USA
  • 1993

    Gallery “Moscow Fine Art”. Moscow, Russia
  • 1994

    Gallery “La Plum”. La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
  • 1996

    Museum of Grinnell College. Iowa, USA
  • 1998

    Gallery “Moscow Fine Art”. Moscow, Russia

    Stetson University. Deland. Florida, USA

    Deland Fall International Festival of the Arts. Florida, USA
  • 1999

    Centre International de L’Art fantastique du Chateau de Gruyeres. Switzerland

    “Arte Europa Reggio 1999”. Reggio Emilia, Italy

    “Grant Gallery”. New York, USA
  • 2000

    Centre International de L’Art fantastique du Chateau de Gruyeres. Switzerland

    International festival of modern art. Reggio Emilia, Italia
  • 2001

    Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea. Florence, Italy
  • 2002

    Gallery “Moscow Fine Art”. Moscow, Russia

    “EUROPART-2002”. Geneve, Switzerland

    “Triennale de Paris”. France
  • 2003

    “Afro-Asian Institute Gallery”. Vienna, Austria

    Salon D’Automne “1903-2003”. Paris, France.
  • 2004

    “Immagina”. Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • 2005

    Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea. Florence, Italy
  • 2006

    Moscow Museum of Modern Art. “Self-portrit on the mirror”. Moscow, Russia
  • 2007

    The 1st Moscow International Festival of Art “Traditions & Contemporaneity”. The “Manezh” Central Exhibition Hall. Moscow, Russia

    Moscow International Artistic Salon, Central House of Artist 2007. Moscow, Russia
  • 2008

    The 2st Moscow International Festival of Art “Traditions & Contemporaneity”. The “Manezh” Central Exhibition Hall. Moscow, Russia

    “VKHUTEMAS” Gallery. “Mythology and Space”. Moscow Architectural Institute. Moscow, Russia

    V.S.Vysotsky State Cultural Center and Museum. Moscow, Russia
  • 2011

    The 5st Moscow International Festival of Art “Traditions & Contemporaneity”. The “Manezh” Central Exhibition Hall. Moscow, Russia
  • 2014

    Branch Of The Russian Academy Of Arts, Gallery Of Arts Of Zurab Tsereteli, Moscow, Russia
  • 2016

    A private club for the arts. Gallery Punto Arte, Moscow, Russia
  • 2017

    Gallery-club “Krylatskoe ornament”. Masters of the unofficial art of yesterday and today. The 40th anniversary of the first official exhibition of unofficial art. Moscow, Russia.
  • 2019

    Chekhov cultural center. “Reverse retrospective”. Moscow. Russia